Teaching believers, equipping pastors, and planting churches
Our goal is to educate and equip churches to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We teach the biblical philosophy and model for missions and help churches produce disciples and churches.
About Dr. Wayne and Lorri Johnson
Dr. Wayne Johnson has been in Christian ministry for over 30 years - serving as senior pastor, missions pastor, and currently as the founder of Missions Revival.
Lorri Johnson ministers to women in local churches with Bible lessons and practical applications. She hosts an annual Women of the Word Conference and has also taught a college course on Christian Womanhood.
From church policies to audio of recent messages, we’ve collected a wide variety of resources for you and your church’s spiritual growth!
Where We’re Going
Missions Revival has a goal of reaching every person - everywhere! You’ll find us in churches and conferences worldwide.
If you have any questions about Missions Revival and the ministry we provide, please fill out the form and we’ll respond shortly. We look forward to connecting with you soon!